Clementi Core: Our Clementi, Our Stories


8 Mar 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM pin locationClementi CC MPH



What is your Clementi Core memory? Join us for our community engagement session and share your thoughts on the evolution of Clementi, meaningful spots that hold a special place in your heart, or innovative ideas for heritage projects. Hear more about HAN@Clementi’s ongoing Call for Collaboration and how you could be involved in celebrating Clementi’s heritage!

Important Notes for Participants

Participants are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the programme. The programme will begin on time. 

By registering for this programme, participants agree: 
a) that the personal information supplied will be strictly used for the purposes stated above;
b) that the programme organiser(s) may take photographs and/or videos of them (or their child as applicable) and use the images and/or videos including to archive, exhibit and publish them for publicity or any other NHB purposes; and 
c) for the programme organiser(s) to contact them regarding the programme that they have signed up for, as well as other communication that may be of interest to them.



Friendzone is an organisation dedicated to fostering a culture of friendship, connectedness and care. We develop and host community-building gatherings that connect young adults with their neighbours and inspire them to care for their community.

We believe that everyone has something to offer and receive. We believe that Singapore is full of diversity and interesting people that just haven’t met yet.We believe that bringing people together produces wonderful outcomes. We believe that we’re better together.