Ping-Pong Go Round

Ping Pong Go-Round was first presented at the "Construction in Process VI - The Bridge" in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1998. "Construction in Process" was a series of exhibitions organised by artist, curator and organiser, Ryszard Wasko, featuring projects responding to various sites. In Melbourne, the table was first set up for a day in a community centre, then moved to a pedestrian mall in front of the General Post Office. Turning the ping pong table into a circular doughnut form that is reminiscent of international conference setting, the linear or left/right, bi-polar nature of the game shifts into one that embraces multiple participants and multi-directional exchange. The power dynamic between the players constantly shifts in this game, introducing infinite possibility in the relationships to be formed amongst the players. The work marks a significant moment in Lee Wen's practice where his work opens itself out to the agencies of others/public through participation. Various versions of the work has been shown in Singapore and worldwide including his major retrospective exhibition at Singapore Art Museum in 2012, Roppongi Art Night, Mori Art Museum (2014) and The 5th Asian Art Biennale, National Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung (2015).