The primary design found on the central panel of this geringsing consists of repeated figures in a squatting position expressing a gesture of praying arranged around a central star-shaped motif. Stupa-like motifs and other stylized patterns executed in gold-thread embroidery are also visible on the panels on each end of the textile. These motifs might have been inspired by bas relief sculpture found in Buddhist temples in Java and Bali.Geringsing cloths are double ikat textiles exclusively woven in the village of Tenganan in Southeastern Bali and used widely in other parts of Indonesia. They were representations of bodily, spiritual and territorial purity, which made them potent in the process of healing and warding off evil forces. Due to their sacred Importance, these textiles were used to grant the wearer protection in coming-of-age rituals and ceremonial dances. As clothing, they were symbolic of elite status, and served as an appropriate gift to the gods when used to dress figures of them.