Djarek- Revolution in Indonesia

This poster which reads “The course of our revolution - Djarek: Djalannja revolusi kita (Djarek)”, presents colourful images of fighters in military uniform alongside a farmer in a hat and female in traditional Indonesian dress striding forward armed with guns, knives and bamboo spears and holding a waving flag. The revolution being referenced is Indonesia’s drive for independence from the Netherlands. ‘Djarek’, which is referenced by the poster is the title of a speech delivered by Sukarno on Independence day on August 17, 1961, which marked the start of the official construction of the National Monument, which eventually opened in 1975. This small poster printed by Perjia Djakarta, East Jakarata Indonesia. The speech ‘Djarek’ was significant for the anti-imperialist views it expressed and it’s condemnation of Malaysia as a “puppet” of imperialism.