Kain panjang

Pastel pink and lilac synthetic dyes are applied to the badan (‘body’ or main design field of the batik) and kepala (broad vertical panel) respectively. The buketan design, comprising large bouquets of European flowers interspersed with butterflies and birds, is repeated on this kain panjang. On some of the motifs, outlines are barely visible and form is given intricately drawn filler motifs instead. This batik comes from the family collection of Oey Kok Sing (1896-1966), the second in three generations of documented batik-makers in Pekalongan. Her later batik designs attest to her virtuosity in technique and inventive colour palette. Her repertoire of tiny isen-isen motifs (filler motifs within the outlines of the key motifs) in particular, exudes a strong sense of artistic individuality, possibly informed by modernist designs on European printed cloths. Her treatment of floral bouquets is also charactertistic of the undulating and curving lines of the Art Noveau style that was introduced in the northern coast of Java by the Europeans. This piece is signed “Nj Oey Kok Sing”.