Government House

This postcard is part of a set acquired by the museum. The collection provides a glimpse into the physical and social landscape of Singapore during the 19th and 20th century which were characterised by European colonialism, the Japanese Occupation, and the post-war years. These postcards also give a glimpse into the type of architecture that was seen in Singapore in those days, as well as the range of activities, businesses, trades, and industries that the people of Singapore were involved in at that time. Some of these postcards still contain the original handwriting of the senders themselves.The original Government House, which was built on Fort Canning in 1822 by Sir Stamford Raffles, was later demolished. The Government House (now known as the Istana) featured here was built in 1869 and designed by J.F.A. McNair. The building was renamed the Istana in 1959 and it became the official residence of the President. It was gazetted as a national monument in February 1992.