Covered tureen

This tureen, with a curved body, concave shoulders and Chinese-style lion handle and finials sits on a conforming splayed feet. The cover is decorated with four flowering plants with a border of repeating floral patterns interspersed with eight small panels on the rim. The pattern includes an undulating vine and grape spread towards one of the handles and is set against a ring-matt background. A lion finial sits atop a four-petal floral design, also on a ring-matt background. The shoulder of each tureen is engraved with a key fret pattern, with a downward pointing dart pattern directly beneath. Four cartouches with floral sprays adorn the sides of the body. The overall shape of the vessels suggests that they were gravy or sauce tureens and are similar in shape to the standard export porcelain tureens of the 1800-1880 period.