And Now, Like Sleeping Flowers

Born in 1983 in Singapore, Ang Song Nian lives and works in London. His works have been part of several major art exhibitions like the Singapore International Photography Festival, 2010; Singapore Art Exhibition, 2009; Singapore Arts Show, 2005, and Philip Morris Singapore Arts Award, 2005. He was also a finalist for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2012.'And Now, Like Sleeping Flowers' series is an allegorical work about humanity’s complex relationship with nature. The work depicts a wild and exuberant jungle, proffering a contrast to the notion of the Garden City, which Singapore was famously known as, especially in the 1980s. This work is coloured by double meaning. On the one hand, it suggests that man can never bend nature completely to his will, just as a garden constantly needs to be guarded against the encroachment of wild greenery. On the other hand, it is a reminder of how human culture and belief have altered man’s view on nature.