Cross-stitch embroidery showing a woman in a forest

This is a piece of cross-stitch embroidery showing a woman in a forest.The artefact is part of a set of twelve unique pieces of cross-stitch embroidery and beadwork sewn on even weave fabric with cotton cloth backing. These pieces were created by children, as reflected in the vibrant and colourful motifs of flowers, animals and human characters.The Peranakan Nonyas were required to learn beadwork and embroidery at a very early age as their desirability as potential brides was dependent on possessing such skills. Beadwork and later embroidery skills were used for making handkerchiefs, slippers and purses. Apart from the Nonyas, many local-born Chinese girls from the pre-war era to the 1970s also strived to acquire embroidery and beadwork skills. Sewing and handicrafts were in fact an important part of the lower primary school curriculum for girls.