This elegant vessel was finely potted from a narrow base into a bulbous vessel, with tall neck that ends in a dramatically everted mouthrim with overhanging rim. It has a small delicate s-shaped spout. It was probably burnished before firing and decorated with red slip, the remains of which are visible on the wide shoulder and spout.The evidence for early ceramic traditions in Cambodia has emerged in the Mekong Delta region, where earthenware utility and ritual vessels have been excavated. Fine paste wares have been excavated from the region from sites such as Angkor Borei, the inland capital of Funan that was linked to the cosmopolitan port city of Oc Eo. The sites for production of these wares remain unclear and ritual vessels such as kendi, could have been made in many places and distributed widely within the region. More recently sites in northwest Cambodia such as Phum Snay have revealed Iron Age burial materials as well as materials thought to be contemporary with Angkor Borei.