This wedding bed hanging consists of padded decorations hung one over the other in groups of threes and they are linked together by colourful silk tassels. Satin stitches, metallic thread couching and Chinese knotting are the techniques used to create this piece. On this piece are displayed various symbols, such as the goldfish and pairs of butterflies. Goldfish are symbols of prosperity and good luck in the Chinese culture while pairs of butterflies flying together represent love.Wedding bed hangings were usually hung from the front of the canopy of the four-poster bed. These were usually created using the threading method. However, some might also combine various embroidery techniques to create a more intricate piece of art. Besides serving as decorative ornaments, these hangings were usually ritually purified and charged with positive energies. They were also protected from evil forces so as to provide blessings for the couple. They were created in sets of three which symbolised the traditional “The Three Good Wishes” – long life, riches and honour”.