Ramayana painting, building the bridge to Lanka

The horizontal layout of this painting follows the scroll painting tradition of Andhra Pradesh. The top section shows how the monkeys built the causeway by throwing boulders into the sea. Here, many aquatic creatures are shown in the sea. An interesting detail in this part of the painting is a squirrel that helped to build the bridge by soaking itself in water and sand and rolling over the stones to bind them together.The second section shows the monkey army marching across the bridge towards Lanka. The last section at the bottom of the picture shows the battle with the demons, and the leaders of the monkey army paying homage to Rama.The building of the bridge is one of the most memorable scenes from the Ramayana, which heightens the excitement and anticipation of the war. This scene is presented differently in different tellings of the tale. In the epic poem, Ramacharitmanas, the building of the bridge was a miraculous act that was accomplished through faith and devotion. In the Thai Ramakien, there is no bridge building activity. Instead, Hanuman grew into a giant and used his tail as a bridge for the army to cross to Lanka.The use of bright red background is characteristic of the Cherial paintings where mostly primary colours are employed. Each band is distinctively drawn with a floral band separating the sections very intelligently.