Ramayana painting, Rama and Lakshmana meet Shabari

The horizontal layout of this painting follows the scroll painting tradition of Andhra Pradesh. It is viewed from left to right. The top left section shows Rama and Lakshmana meeting the old vulture king, Jatayu, who lies wounded and writhing in agony after his battle with Ravana. The painting features Jatayu’s wings slightly detached from his body indicating that his wings were cut off by Ravana during their battle. After Jatayu tells Rama about Sita’s abduction by Ravana, he succumbs to his wound and dies. The painting shows Rama and Lakshmana performing his last rites.Following Jatayu’s directions, Rama and Lakshmana proceed south through the forest in their search for Sita. Along the path, they come to the ashram of Shabari. The second and last sections show their encounter with Shabari, an ardent devotee of Rama.