This is a gold necklace ornamented with granulation and applied filigree, made by the Minangkabau people of west Sumatra. The Minangkabau people are one of the few surviving matrilineal societies in the world. Family wealth and heirlooms, including jewellery, is passed down through the female line and is considered an important part of the family heritage. While proud of their Islamic faith, the Minangkabau have also retained their traditional 'adat' (customary law, tradition or practice) as a unique indicator of their identity. The diversity and highly localised styles of Minangkabau textiles and jewellery give some indication of the complexity and strength of their adat. Heavy detailing and highly ornate repousse work distinguish Minangkabau goldwork. Compare the density of the beaten floral motifs on the armbands with the simple geometric style of the pieces in the Austronesian tradition.