Wayang golek puppet - Kresna

This puppet represents the character of Kresna (Krishna) from the epic, the Mahabharata. He is king of Dwarawati and the incarnation of Wisnu (Vishnu).‘Wayang golek’ is a puppet theatre using three-dimensional dolls. The dolls are manipulated by the ‘dalang’ (puppet master) by rods connected to the hands and head. ‘Wayang golek’ can be classified into three types depending on the stories they are performing and they are Wayang Golek Purwa, which derives its stories from the Hindu epic, the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Wayang Golek Gedog, which uses the Panji stories and Wayang Golek Menak, using the ‘Serat Menak’ or story of Amir Hamzah, Javanese adaptation of the Persian epic, the Hamzanamah.