Shadow puppet, Wibisana

This puppet represents the character Wibisana (Vibhishana) from the Hindu epic, Ramayana, performed in the Javanese 'wayang kulit' or leather shadow puppet theatre tradition. He is the younger brother of Rahwana (Ravana), King of Alengka. His refined character is reflected in his small eyes, a sharply pointed nose, downward gaze and narrow stance.The Ramayana relates the struggle of Rama and his brother Lesmana (Lakshmana) in their attempt to rescue of his wife Dewi Sinta (Sita) from the ogre king Rahwana.The vast majority of the ‘wayang’ plays performed are drawn from the two great Hindu epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata with as well as stories of Javanese origin. 'Wayang kulit' is considered as the highest of the Javanese performing arts. Performed in the royal courts of Java as early as the ninth century, this tradition continues to be treasured as one of the ‘pusaka’ or sacred heirlooms of the court. 'Wayang kulit' is traditionally performed on ritual days and religious ceremonies. It has also been adapted more recently for television and public education campaigns.