This is part of a set of 'wayang beber' scrolls that was painted by Tugiman Hardisuwarno, a painter from the royal court in Solo.This scroll depicts two scenes from the story of Dewi Sekartaji and Joko Kembang Kuning. The first, on the left shows Prabu Browijoyo receiving Joko Kembang Kuning in an audience while the latter asks for permission and blessing to look for Dewi Sekartaji. The second one, on the right shows Joko Kembang Kuning being ambushed by Prabu Klono.'Wayang beber' is thought to be the earliest form of Javanese traditional theatre tradition. The scrolls illustrating the story are unrolled gradually as the 'dalang' or narrator tells the story. The content of the story is taken from the Panji romances set in the East Javanese kingdoms.