Untitled (Women selling Sea Coconuts) 无题(贩卖海底椰的妇女)

Born in 1923, Lim Tze Peng is largely a self-taught artist. In his oeuvre, ink paintings and calligraphic works feature prominently, although there is a small number of oils, watercolours and drawings. He created a unique style of ink painting using rich brush and tonal details, and this approach is often regarded as a manifestation of the Nanyang Style in the ink medium. Lim, a school principal until his retirement in the early 1980s, was awarded the Cultural Medallion by the Singapore government in 2003.Lim pens in the inscription that accompanies the painting that this is a study of two coconut vendors whom he encountered in West Malaysia during a painting trip with a friend. A tireless traveller, Lim used to visit the neighbouring countries to paint, stopping only recently due to advancing age.