Theemithi (Firewalking)

Theemithi (Firewalking)
Early 20th century
Image size: L13.8cm X W8.9cm
Accession No.
NLB Type

Theemithi (also spelled Thimithi), also known as "firewalking", is a Hindu religious practice dedicated to the goddess Draupadi, where devotees walk across a fire pit in the hopes that the goddess may grant their wishes. Theemithi is part of a longer ceremony spanning about two and a half months, during which parts of the Hindu epic Mahabharata are re-enacted. The goddess Draupadi is one of the principal characters in the Mahabharata, and Theemithi commemorates the victory of a war between the Pandavas and Kauravas royal families in the epic.The Firewalking ritual takes place about a week before Deepavali (Festival of Lights). In Singapore, the rite usually takes place over a five kilometre stretch from the Sri Snivisa Perumal Temple and ends at the Sri Mariamman Temple.